State of the Union: Rush Limbaugh didn’t deserve the award

Rush Limbaugh

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For the third time since taking office, President Trump gave the State of the Union address on Tuesday night. It didn’t start off well as he gave Speaker Nancy Pelosi the cold shoulder treatment. This didn’t come as a shocker as Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic party is set to vote on whether or not Trump will become the first president to be removed from office. The feeling is that he won’t because he has his party backing. I don’t buy it because one of the things done by the Republican party was that they blocked witnesses. Now I am aware that the President gets a ton of pull. However, if he is truly innocent, then he would allow people to testify. However, that wasn’t the biggest moment of the night.

In a speech that seemed to be going on forever, he brings up Rush Limbaugh. If your unaware, Limbaugh has made the news recently as it was reported that he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. In a move that surprised a lot of people, President Trump would award him with the highest civilian honor.  He gave someone who has made a name for being a radio talk host for a long time the highest award that can be given to a citizen. Most people with a brain in their head would realize that this should go to someone who fought for our country or did something noteworthy. Rush Limbaugh has not done anything noteworthy.

He has been doing his radio show since 1988. Over the years, he has become known as being the guy to make comments that are odd, put people down in a nasty way, and come off as not being human. My opinion is he only got the award for two reasons. One is that he was apart of Fox News. The news channel that makes Trump seems to look like a saint. The second reason is that he is dealing with stage 4 lung cancer. I doubt that he would have been getting the award if he were ok.

You had other people there who should have gotten it. Rush Limbaugh was the last person who should have gotten it.