Super Bowl 52: Philadelphia Eagles Against New England Patriots is Pride Vs. Power

Move over Dallas Cowboys, the Philadelphia Eagles may have just become the new “America’s Team”. No, it’s not a nickname that will stick, but for the next week, until they face the New England Patriots in Super Bowl 52, they very well could be. The Patriots are the kings of the NFL. Nevermind them coming in as the defending champs, it’s about their dominance over the last decade that has them as possibly the most hated team outside of New England.


Every team wants to beat them and the Eagles are next in line to try just that. In the AFC Championship Game, many were silently rooting for the Jacksonville Jaguars to come out on top and for the majority of the game, it seemed like their reign was coming to an end. The Jags beating the New England Patriots, coupled with assistants leaving for other coaching jobs and the infamous ESPN article outlining the inner-turmoil screamed done dynasty. However, the Jags choked and the Pats are right where they belong, again.

On the other side of the field stands a team repping a city that has craved a championship since the Super Bowl was introduced in 1967. Yes, the Philadelphia Eagles have been there three times but the results have not been in their favor. But here they are with another chance to give the City Of Brotherly Love a reason to stick their chest out, however, standing in their way is the team, coach, and quarterback who beat them in 2005.

The Patriots are playing for power and records. With a win, there is without a doubt that Tom Brady will go down as the greatest QB to ever play in the NFL. His coach, Bill Belichick could easily leave the game as the greatest mastermind in professional sports. As good as the Dallas Cowboys and San Francisco 49ers dynasty’s were in the ’90’s, the Patriots are better. This has been the era of free agency, huge salaries, and roster turnovers. However, through it all, the Pats have continued to excel.

The Eagles, on the other hand, have tried to remove the stink that has come with being identified as a non-Super Bowl winning team. While they have had some of the games’ best walk through their doors, none has led them to the promise land. But this team is different. This bunch has clearly adopted the underdog role and for it, the Eagles might be the team who could end the Belichick and Brady era.

Can The Philadelphia Eagles Pull Off The Impossible?

The Eagles are playing for pride. Not just the ones who put a helmet on but for their city and fans worldwide. How many teams can say they lost their best player and still made it? How many teams can say they went into their playoff home games as underdogs and came out victorious? This is a team that has become just that, a team. With a win, it will not erase the years of losing the big games, but it will offer comfort to the players and die-hard fans who have stuck by them through it all.

Beating the Patriots is the goal of 31 NFL teams yearly. They’re where they’re supposed to be due to sheer dominance. All that’s missing is a team like the New York Giants with a chip on their shoulder and who’s not afraid. Last season, the Atlanta Falcons weren’t afraid, until they were. The Eagles are not built like that. They see blood and want more.

The New England Patriots may have the power, but the Philadelphia Eagles are playing for something bigger in Super Bowl 52.

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