Superman & Lois: Lana Just Needs Time To Digest It All


It was only a matter of time before Clark Kent had to tell his best friend Lana Lang about his secret. In Season 2 of Superman & Lois, that time came. While the initial response was heartwarming and she reacted how many of us would, it was the second reaction that shocked fans. Lana decided she needed to take time away from the Kent family. While her decision is a bit understandable, it’s something that Lana must see all the way through now.

Smallville is known to attract baddies. It doesn’t matter if they’re from another world or another farm town. But one thing is for certain, danger is coming to Smallville. In that moment of danger, will Lana be able to keep her distance, or will she need to call on Clark aka Superman for help?

In a flashback scene, the writers gave us a glimpse into why Lana felt a bit betrayed by Clark. Just before the car crash and Clark leaving Smallville, Lana whispered in Clark’s ear that she loved him. Clark then made the tough decision to leave the town and fulfill his destiny to become a hero. But Lana was left behind with no reason as to why he left. The hurt in her voice when she asked him why didn’t he come back for her and did he ever love her, should have given fans enough insight as to what was to come.

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Clark did what he thought was best and now Lana is doing the same. To add more salt to the wound, Lois also informed Lana that their son Jonathan takes after his dad. That’s a tall burden to carry as Jonathan and Sarah are/were dating. Now, Lana is torn because she wants to remain friends but she can’t continue to lie to her family regarding the Kent’s secret.

Any fan of the hit TV show Smallville can understand exactly where Lana is coming from. But still, it’s early and the secret was just revealed. Give Lana some time to digest it all. Remember, she’s still dealing with her family being torn apart and becoming the new Mayor.

But on the other side of the coin, this is Clark we’re talking about. This has been her friend since they were kids. Lana trying to protect her family is a case to be made but why is she concerned about lying to them? Her husband is a cheater and out of the house and the younger daughter hardly gets enough screentime to be lied to. Sarah may be the only one to be concerned about but it’s just a matter of time before Jonathan tells her himself about his secret.

As Season 2 progresses, Lana will come to the conclusion that having Superman as a friend and dealing with his secret is more valuable than pushing him away. Clark took the oath to protect the world but the most important oath he took was to protect those that he loves and Lana falls into that category. We just have to give her time to digest it all. It’s a lot to take in.