Swagger: 5 Big Questions Before the Season Finale

Apple TV+'s New Show Swagger

If you’re not watching Swagger on Apple TV+ yet, you might be missing out on the best new show of 2021. They’ve been able to connect with the audience with reliability without using the same tired/lazy tropes television and movies have leaned on for years. Now that their freshman season is wrapping up, we’ve got a ton of questions before the finale:

***As always, if you’re not caught up through this week’s episode (1×9), here’s your chance to back out now.***





How will Jace Handle A Setback?

When it comes to injuries, there’s no predicting how a player will bounce back. Look at the NFL as an example. Robert Griffin III was a phenom for the (then) Redskins. After his injury, he never returned to star status. Then there’s Adrian Peterson who some thought, as a running back, his career would be over after a major injury. He would come back and look as strong as ever.

Jace is talented, but his setbacks have all been mental. Will he get out of his own way and live up to his hype, or will the pressure get to him again?

More Swagger: What is Coach Hiding?

Who Will Step Up With Jace Out?

The obvious choice to lead the team in Jace’s absence is Nick. While they had their rivalry, he and Jace were the two top players in the league. However, there’s more to it than who’s the best. Swagger has done a fantastic job highlighting each player the past few episodes. They made sure we knew Crystal was the top player before joining the team. We saw just how much they highlighted Royale and his defense. With the last episode, we saw just how much Phil could take over a game now that the weight of his past is less on his shoulders.

Up until this point we’ve seen the team come together to support each other individually. Whoever had the hot hand and could take over, has. Will it stay that way or will we see just how talented this young team is when they come together?

How Will The Carsons Be Affected?

We all know that Ms Carson wants what is best for her kids, but her son’s success is outshining her daughter and it’s strengthening the two’s divide. Will this setback give her the time to focus on mending their relationship? Will even more of her time be limited now that Jace’s dream has been put on hold? Either way, there’s still tension hanging in the air after Jackie contacted her father behind Jenna’s back. This bridge might not be burned yet, but the smoke is getting a little thicker.

Who Takes The Blame For The Attack?

The one thing that Swagger has pushed since the beginning of the show is family. How Coach Ike puts his family first and treats the kids like family. How each player’s relationship or lack thereof has driven their passion. Setback after setback, this team has overcome by treating each other like family. But someone has to take the fall, right? There’s too much on the line for each of these young men to have it ripped away from all of them and someone will always step up and take the blame.

How Long Before Phil Gets His Moment?

At one point, Phil Marksby seemed like he’d be the antagonist of the opposing team for Jace. Now the two are on the same team and we see just how bad his home life is. His mother is in jail and his father is abusive but he’s found a home on this team and amongst friends. We’ve seen the good in him as well as the passion and anger. Which version will we get by the end of the season? Will he be the big-hearted teenager who overcame the struggles or will his passion and anger come back to haunt him? Despite all his struggles he ought to get his moment. We just have to see if it’s this season or further down the road.

Of course, we want to know just how Coach Ike and Jace come back around but that’s been the setup all along. While the story’s resolve isn’t obvious, the connection between the two is. There are so many characters with unique stories we want to explore and can’t wait for the show to be picked up for season 2.