Ted Lasso:10 Storylines That Could Continue If There Was Another Season

Ted Lasso is arguably the most popular show on Apple TV+. There haven’t been many people I’ve talked to that didn’t in some capacity enjoy the show. Unfortunately for fans, the creators wrote it as a three-season show. Despite fans demanding more, Apple has yet to talk them into letting the show continue. Whether it would be in a spin-off or a fourth season, there are still plenty of unresolved issues in the future:
After three seasons of spark between Roy and Keeley on Ted Lasso, almost everyone was disappointed with how this ended. Roy and Keeley deserved more closure than just Keeley walking away after the Roy/Jamie dust-up. At the end, we see Roy seeking help from Doctor Sharon and in the end it would be nice to see his growth and the two of them moving on in a way that honors their relationship.
Maturity was the one thing that made Keeley walk away from the Jamie Tarrt show. He was too self-absorbed and she was too insecure to see her worth. After her relationship with Roy and with the help of Rebecca, she learned to stand on her own. Once he let go of his past and finally saw the bigger picture, Jamie also grew into a better man. Maybe their connection was just physical or maybe they both just needed to grow up.
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This one was a big part of the story in season two but took a U-turn by the end of the season. In season 3 there were plenty of awkward glances and things that might have been but neither found each other in the end. Sam and Rebecca was a story that by the end of it should’ve got more attention and closure instead of being left up in the air.
Keeley and Nate might have taken the forgive-and-forget route by Ted Lasso’s end but there was still a better opportunity to repair a friendship here the show could’ve focused more on. Nate was struggling to fit in and Keeley was always kind so it was only a matter of time before he misread their relationship. After finding Jade and repairing his relationship with his father, it could’ve been fun/funny to see Nate try and earn Keeley’s forgiveness.
Sam being the target of Edwin Akufo’s rage was never fully wrapped up. Rebecca did get slightly even at his dinner part in season 3, but with the connection between Sam and Rebecca, it would’ve been interesting to see if the two of them could work together against a common enemy.
Poor Tedbecca fans. This one came and went and they never got the ending those fans wanted. Even at the end of the show, Ted was back home and Rebecca was left traveling the world with her flight attendant. But that’s not closure. The two had a connection that can’t be denied and the writers knew it by teasing it in the series finale. Tedbecca’s resolve is the most common complaint after Ted Lasso ended
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Roy/Miss Bowen:
Did anyone else see the connection between these two? It was a bit awkward, but there was a little bit of a spark. If you go all the way back to season 1, Roy wasn’t sure what his life would be like after his career. He struggle to feel like he was still good enough. Good enough to coach, to do commentary, to love. Roy was adrift and needed to feel like he belonged somewhere. Fans will point to Keeley but even the fact that Keeley entertained the thought of getting back together with Jamie wouldn’t have shown that’s where he belonged. Phoebe’s teacher who never showed much judgment might be the connection he needed post-therapy.
By the end of Ted Lasso, the bond between these two was a personal favorite. Love isn’t exclusive to significant others and these two proved it. Their bond of brotherhood was a breath of fresh air in a lesson of acceptance. The show could’ve gone multiple routes with this one but chose the right one and the story shouldn’t end there. It would be interesting to see how they built a stronger friendship after the events of season 3.
“New” Rebecca and “Old” Rebecca now share an interesting bond. They both own a FC thanks to Rupert stepping out. Despite being embarrassed publically, there was no real ending to this story. Bex just showed up at Rebecca’s house with his mistress to discuss some things and that’s kind of where this story ended. How can Bex get back at Rupert the same way that Rebecca did because clearly he never learned his lesson?
Jamie/James (dad):
The story of Jamie and his father was easily the most emotional arc Ted Lasso had. The way Jamie hated his dad and looked up to both Roy and Ted because of it. The way he ruined all his relationships because of who he thought he had to be. How Jamie stood up to his dad and was probably the catalyst for him seeking treatment himself. There’s a forgiveness there that would be wonderful to see play out on screen and not just before the closing credits as the show ended.
Ted Lasso had plenty of mostly highs and some lows, but in the end, fans still wanted more. This may be a case of leaving before the show gets stale, but in all honesty, this show was multiple seasons away from that happening. Apple TV+ needs to work out a way for it to return in some capacity.
Rick ODonnell aka Caveman Rick has many years covering the Miami Dolphins, Sports, and all sorts of movies and television.