Ted Lasso: Predicting the Most Likely Moments After Season 2

Apple TV+ Ted Lasso stars

Ted Lasso is full of memorable moments that both make you laugh and cry. One moment they’ll be riding high, the next moment will be the gut-punch moment that brings you back down. At times these moments can be predictable as any other sports-based entertainment so we’re looking ahead with a crystal ball for the “most likely” moments:

Most Likely To Be Redeemed – Jamie Tartt

Jamie has been at times the most frustrating character. His heart is in the right place, but his head is in the wrong. He represents the young impressionable superstar that rises to stardom. After everything they’ve been through, the obvious choice would be Nate after betraying Ted, but that story has more of a mutual respect angle than a full-on redemption. It’s also true that Jamie has no one to redeem himself to … except himself.

We know he’s swallowed his pride and put the team first. He felt hurt being sent away and wanted to get payback on the team. After he was humbled, he found his home with Richmond again and began working on getting back on everyone’s good graces. His story is at the front of ‘Ted Lasso’ and should be pushed to reach his full potential while being a team player.

Most Likely To Be Hated – Rupert

Another category that should be reserved for Nate, but he’s not the winner. Nate is hurt by how Ted and the rest of the team see him and treat him. There might be times we dislike Nate but it will never be full-on hate. Rupert on the other hand has been vindictive the whole way and will be the villain of at least season 3. Not only has he been sneaking around showing his controlling ways, but he also bought a rival team on purpose.

Now, that could just be a thorn in the side moment for Richmond but unfortunately, he’s a very powerful man with a lot of money. Powerful men with a lot of money have unique ways of finding out or burying the truth. While he’s only popped up at the strangest moments, it’s clear he’ll be the lead antagonist going forward.

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Most Likely To Find Love – Sam Obisanya

This one is a little bit harder to predict. Sam’s story is still very much up in the air. Early on in the show, we see how much he starts to miss home. He even gets recruited for a team to play there in season 2. However, at the end of the season, he buys a building to start a Nigerian restaurant. After his failed relationship with Rebecca, Sam might be primed to step away from the team and find his life’s passion. In season 1 we see the doubt in himself early on. In season 2 he doubts the decision to bring Jamie back on.

Sam has shown his doubts when it comes to his career but never lost that passion for back home. If his restaurant takes off we could see him step away from the team to pursue his passion. Since absence makes the heart grow fonder, this would be the spark that sets Rebecca straight. Not only would she be losing a star player, but she could also be losing her connection to him as well. Ted Lasso is full of just as much heart as it is comedy and could easily turn this into a “go to him” moment. There might even be an outside force that brings him back to her and the team.

Most Likely To Be Killed Off – Roy Kent

Before even getting into it, let me start off by saying Roy is hands down my favorite character on the show. However, this show is full of those moments that set up bigger moments and it hasn’t dropped a bomb on viewers just yet. Every sports movie or show has used this element to get its team to the next level. Think of Roy as Gary Bertier in Remember the Titans. He’s got that hard stubborn demeanor but his heart is in the right place. You can’t help but love Roy and Keeley. He’s respected by his teammates, loved by fans, and is a leader in the sport. His death would crush viewers while being a rallying cry for victory.

Imagine the biggest game they’ve had they go into the locker room in a losing match and after a brief pep talk someone in the back of the room starts the “Roy Kent, Roy Kent. He’s here, he’s there, he’s every-f*ckin’-where” chant that echos out of the locker room, down the halls and filling the stadium. While he’s rough around the edges, Roy is universally loved or respected and most often looked up to.