The Blacklist: How Did The Writers Drop The Ball With “Anne”?


From the start, The Blacklist has thrown fans for a loop. Who is Raymond Reddington and what does he want with Elizabeth Keen? Is he her father or not? Now, the big question is who or what is exactly N-13 and what is Reddington’s endgame? With all this going on between Reddington and Liz, the writers still found time to offer Reddington some normalcy with a love interest in Anne.

But things got a bit weird not only on the screen but in the writer’s room as well.

The last we saw of Anne, she was being stood up by Reddington. Anne lied, trying her best to conceal her feelings for Red but fans knew there was something there. Fast forward to “Anne” and fans are stunned to know she and Reddington have been sharing time together without us not even knowing.

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The reason this one stings the most is that we saw the pain on both of their faces during that fateful phone call. So, why were viewers not invited to share in their reunion? How did Reddington make it up to her and how did he find her? Did he just show up at her front door with roses and candy?

But that’s not even the weirdest part.

When Reddington took Anne to the Police Station, it only took them 2 minutes to run a check on his identity. With Anne’s best friend being a cop, this was never done beforehand? So, no one seemed to question this strange and mysterious man in Anne’s life?

As smart as Reddington is, how did he just push all caution to the wind and totally ignore the fact that Townsend and Liz are on his trail and want him dead? He spoke about it briefly to Dembe on the plane but Red knows better than this.

He loves Anne and Reddington has been in search of a normal life but what makes him think that he can actually have one? There are too many people who want him dead. Then, when Anne finally learns the truth about who he is and the danger he has put her and her friends in, she smacks him then turns around and helps him escape by putting herself in between a gun and Reddington. How strange is that?

Anne sneaks Reddington to her house where she gives him the keys to her car but where is Townsend? Just a few moments ago, he and his goons shot up a Police Station with no care in the world knowing they did not kill Reddington.

Townsend is another smart man but to think that he just let Red walk away without at least following Anne back home makes no sense. It’s the same for the FBI who arrived at the station. Anne was in a relationship with the Most Wanted Man in America and they just let her go home to take a shower and cry.

As great as The Blacklist is, they do have some major plot holes. Anne and Reddington is a prime example of that.


Next Up: The Breakdown Of Liz’s Return