The Blacklist: It’s Time To Stop Pissing Off The Loyal Fans

No show can ever satisfy every viewer, no matter how great it is, there will always be something that rubs viewers the wrong way. For 9 seasons, The Blacklist has done just that. As great of a mystery the series has been, there have been misses along the way. And yet, fans are still glued to their TVs every week in anticipation of the big reveal. And every week we’re left gasping for air, not from an explosive twist, but from a lack of understanding.
Season 9 was supposed to be the end of the storyline for Elizabeth Keen’s character. But it never ended the way it should have for Liz or the fans.
What makes The Blacklist so intriguing is the mystery surrounding Raymond Reddington. Who is he? But most importantly, who is he to Keen? That’s what she died wanting to know and for an entire season that was supposed to answer that for her storyline to end, the writers never got the memo. Instead, what they did was continue to piss off a loyal fan base seeking the same answer Liz did.
But what we did get with the season finale was a bunch of confusing moments.
Aram is leaving the Task Force to move to New York. He has no real plan in place, he just knows he wants out. Like where did that come from? What happened that pushed him to that point? Agent Park is having a baby and that makes sense why she would want to leave but let’s be honest there, her loss is not a major one.
Related: The Blacklist: Just Tell Us The Damn Truth And Get It Over With
Dembe is really an FBI agent. Like really an agent. That was just a weird storyline to deal with all season. Ressler went from abusing drugs to leaving a good love interest behind to having no direction this season at all. Harold Cooper was framed for murder, went against Red, and lost his position in the FBI. We met Mr. Kaplan’s sister and for a quick moment, it was believed that she would have more to do with the storyline. But as quick as she came, she was gone just as fast.
And for the life of me, what was the entire scene with Agent Navabi about? Some things should have been left on the cutting room floor and her return was surely one of them.
Reddington, all season went looking for answers regarding the death of Liz. He learned that it was Marvin who ordered the hit and in a way, Red got his revenge. But it’s the fans who are left holding the bag here. We want to know who Reddington really is. That’s what Liz wanted to know. At one point, the truth was set to come out, and then it wasn’t. If giving Liz’s storyline closure was indeed the idea of the finale, then The Blacklist did a piss poor job of providing that.
Mark has been covering Sports and Entertainment for the past six years. His work has been featured on Bleacher Report, ESPN, Fox Sports, Teen Vogue, and many other websites.