The Blacklist: Liz Is Beginning To Piss Me Off

The Blacklist

The Season 7 finale of The Blacklist was strange. Not just because of the animation they had to pull off due to the COVID-19 pandemic but the storyline in general just made no sense. As a loyal follower and huge fan, it was just hard to watch. The main reason for that was Elizabeth Keen.

For seven seasons, fans have watched as she has morphed into a true FBI Agent, a wife, a mother, and now a confused daughter. Liz has always wanted to know the truth regarding her past and her parents. And when she received the truth, her character changed.

Growth is one thing for a major character but what Liz has gone through is mind-blowing. Once viewed as possibly the second-best on the show behind Raymond Reddington, Liz has now become a villain. Not just in terms of the storyline but in the eyes of some viewers.

She has gone against Reddington a few times which makes for great TV but her latest betrayal may be even worse than her almost getting Red the lethal injection. Why does she keep doing this to a man who has protected her so many times over the course of the show’s run?

More of The Blacklist: Liz is the Only One Who Can Stop the Red/Kaplan War

Now that she has reconnected with her mother Katarina Rostova Liz is back to digging the knife in Reddington’s back. To say that we didn’t see this coming would be a full-blown lie but it’s the way that it happened that has left viewers shaking their heads.

Everyone Changes On The Blacklist

Katarina lied her way back into Liz’s life. She put Agnes in danger and then had Liz kidnapped. Katarina wanted to know the truth about who betrayed her. And what role did Reddington, her father, and Ilya play in it? At first, Liz wanted nothing to do with her, then in the season 7 finale, she’s now team Katarina? How?

Going back to that episode, in the beginning, Liz spit nothing but venom at her mother. Then 10 minutes later, she’s all on board? Maybe it’s just lazy writing on the writers’ part but to have a major character just flip a switch in a matter of minutes makes no sense.

Throughout The Blacklist finale, Liz was by her grandfather’s side saying she can’t with for him to wake up. Then she ended the episode saying that she will harm whoever gets in her way, including him and Reddington. How does one go that dark in a matter of minutes?

One scene she’s helping Reddington get to a doctor and the next, she’s raging war. Elizabeth Keen was a fan favorite but it only took 10 minutes for her to be hated.