The Blacklist

Season 9 of The Blacklist will try their best to focus on the Blacklister’s but the real battle will be between friends. With Liz gone, Raymond Reddington went into hiding. Dembe is now an FBI agent. Ressler is fixing cars in Detroit. Aram is building his post-FBI legacy. Park wants no parts of the field, and Cooper is raising Agnes.

While the reunion was well deserved, it was also awkward at best. Everyone wants to blame Reddington for Liz’s death but he blames himself more. Together, they can do great work. But this season will be different. Most of the battles will happen from within.

Ressler still can’t trust Reddington. He’s always been blinded when it came to him. But now, there is no badge stopping Ressler from going often Red on a personal level. On the flip side of that, there is no badge stopping Red from going after Ressler either.

Reddington understood what Ressler meant to Liz so on that merit alone, he may spare his life. But this is where things could take a turn for the worse.

Cooper is keeping Agnes away from Reddington. That’s a major mistake. He just lost the most important person in his life and Agnes is all he had left of her. Cooper is denying him access to a part of Liz and at some point, Reddington is going to face the issue. This is not what Cooper wants.

Related: The Blacklist: There Was No Need For A Game of Thrones Ending

While the off-the-books Task Force is still tracking down Blacklisters, their real battle will be with each other. Two years have passed and not one person is the same.

For the old members, falling back in line may not be a difficult task. But for Reddington, he’s no longer willing to play by anyone else’s rules. Then you take into account his relationship with Dembe. Something happened between the two that we have yet to see.

Dembe is now an FBI agent but is he still willing to go against everything for Reddington? There may come a time when Dembe will have to prove his loyalty to one or the other. Who will he pick?

Season 9 has not gotten off to a great start but it’s just the beginning. We’re used to the team fighting evil from the outside each season. But as time goes on, the real fight will be against each other.