The Blacklist: We Hate The Idea, But We Need The War

The Blacklist

There was no other way for this to play out. The Blacklist has come down to the ultimate war. Fans hate it, but it’s needed. Raymond Reddington vs Elizabeth Keen. Whether or not we believe that Red is Liz’s father, that doesn’t matter at this point. What does matter is that what’s brewing is essentially the turning point of the show.

Since the beginning, fans knew in the back of their head it would come down to this. In between the blacklisters, the FBI, the husband, the daughter, and now the mother it would always be the showdown that would determine how the legacy of The Blacklist is remembered.

In Season 4, it was Red vs Mr. Kaplan. Although we hated to see it, the showdown made for great TV. Red vs one of his oldest friends set the stage for what might and should happen in Season 8.

For Red’s sake, he doesn’t want this. While he always knew it could come to this, it’s still something he tried to avoid. But did he try hard enough? For years Dembe told him he should come clean to Liz regarding the truth. But he chose not to.

Related: The Blacklist: Raymond Reddington Has Every Right To Be Afraid Of Elizabeth Keen

With the presence of her mother Katarina Rostova, Liz made a decision to find out everything. And by taking that stance, she put herself on the opposite side of one of the most dangerous men in the world. But here’s the thing, Liz has more than proved over time that she could take care of herself, even against Red.

Let’s not forget, that it was Liz who set Reddington up and put him in prison which almost led him to die by lethal injection. But this time things are different. Red did not expect Liz to betray him, therefore he was caught off guard. But this go-round, she has made her stance known and now he’s on the defense. But that still doesn’t mean he wants this war.

It doesn’t matter if it’s father vs daughter or not. Red and Liz still share a close bond that both of them and even us the fans can’t understand. Liz does have some darkness to her but she’s still not on Red’s level, just yet. Red has been doing this his whole life and if it gets to the point where his back is against the wall, Liz may not like how he comes out of it swinging.

This is a war of love. Both parties are hurt and that’s what makes this so dangerous, yet so intriguing. We may not want it to happen, but it has to happen.