The Chi: Did Rashaad And Tierra Make A Mistake With Their Hook Up?

The Chi

Did Rashaad cross a line that shouldn’t be crossed when he and Tierra hooked up on Valentine’s Day in the latest episode of The Chi? I mean, the truth of the matter is that Victor and Tierra are not an actual item but for appearance’s sake they still have to show face. However, we can argue that Victor is living his best life with Fatima so why is there even an issue?

The problem may exist because of Rashaad. He can’t hold water. If the news were to break that there is something going on, it would be Rashrd who will step in front of the camera and let the citizens of Chicago know that it’s all for show. Victor has his own relationship problems going on and for that, he may not care that his best friend is creeping with his pretend girlfriend.

What this all means is that now everyone has to keep their status a secret.

Rashaad and Tierra can’t come out as a couple due to how that may damage Victor’s campaign. Victor can’t say anything regarding his relationship with Fatima and now, everyone is creeping without a care in the world. In order for everyone to be on the same page, Rashaad and Tierra must come clean and the same goes for Victor and Fatima. He must tell Tierra that he has something going on with Fatima and Rashaad must tell him that he slept with Tierra.

Will There Be Drama On The Chi

Now, the other issue is Otis and Roselyn. How are they going to feel about all this knowing that one slip-up could cost them money and another shot in the political world? Best believe that neither of them is doing all this for Victor out of the kindness of their heart as we learned that there is a new Community Center tied to all this.

And let’s not forget that Tierra is tied to Roselyn romantically as well. So, there is a chance that Roselyn may make this personal. Things could get ugly real fast. this could be a way for Tierra to get back at Roselyn. Maybe she feels the same way that Fatima feels about having to hide their relationship and she wanted some get back.

Do I believe that Rashaad was flirting with Tierra at dinner? No. Rashaad is just, well, Rashaad. His mouth says things that he later regrets. But his new girlfriend, Deja, she does have a bit of a controlling side to her. Maybe she overreacted when they got back to the house just a bit. But Tierra, even with her polished figure, is still somewhat lonely. She made subtle advances at Victor about a family but then turns around and put the moves on his best friend. Yeah, she can’t be trusted.

While everyone does indeed deserve some happiness on The Chi, this is still very messy. Victor can and will forgive Rashaad because truth is, Victor has no feelings for Tierra. The problem will come from Tierra herself as she has to understand the game she’s playing and who she is playing this game with. Rashaad, Victor, and Roselyn are cut from a different cloth than she is.

But the most dangerous person may be Deja. She has deep feelings for Rashaad and although she left the house on bad terms with him, when she finds out what went down, there will be hell to pay. Rashaad made a mistake but Tierra, she knew exactly what she was doing and why she did it.