The Chi: How Long Before Tiff Decides To Grow Up?

The Chi

Not everyone is meant to grow up. Some stay in a childish phase most of their life never really learning what’s it like to be an adult. This is one of the reasons why The Chi is one of the best-written shows on Primetime TV. The characters are going through growing pains while dealing with an environment that brings nothing but pain. For Tiff, she makes it clear she makes her own rules but she now has others caught up in her web.

Viewers were introduced to Tiff through Emmett. They share a child together and out of the many women he has been with, it was Tiff who he decided to settle down with. At first, it appeared to be a great idea. Tiff seemed more mature than the others and often put Emmett in his place. As a Momma’s boy, that’s exactly what he needed. However, with Emmett doing Emmet things, he could not contain himself when it came to other women.

In Season 4 of The Chi, the newlyweds decided to try an open marriage. Needless to say, it didn’t go too well for Emmett. He wanted his wife back. However, it was too late. By the end of the season, Tiff had found someone else but what she didn’t know was that this person had the same mind frame as Emmett.

Rob wants more and Tiff wants less. She craves the comfort of a man at home but she also wants to be her own woman outside the house. At this stage in her life, she’s not seeing the consequences that may come with that decision. In regards to Emmett, it was a case of karma coming back on him. But with Rob, he appears to be a good guy with good intentions for Tiff and the baby. He took Tiff in when she and her son had no place to go. While he wants to call Tiff his own, he also warned her about the repercussions and how he does not do messy situations.

Tiff is so frustrated with her mother and Emmett, that she fails to see the drams she causes. She’s placing Rob in a weird spot with Emmett because she can handle her business correctly. No man, new or old, has time to be beefing with the father of a child because the other parent refuses to deal with a situation.

Emmett is no saint. In the early stages of The Chi, he may have been the one character who just couldn’t do anything right. However, he has grown the most over the last few seasons while Tiff has regressed. She wanted the married life, now she wants an entanglement of sorts. She’s living with a man who wants to provide for and praise her and all she’s worried about is if he wants to join her in another open relationship.

For Rob, that is where he should draw the line. He must know that this is how he met Tiff in the first place. Why would he put himself through that? Tiff has to be careful here. She’s putting herself, her son, Rob, and Emmett in a box that if it gets too full of emotions, it could easily blow up everything.