The Mandalorian Shows Why The Dark Side Is So Powerful

The Mandalorian

No matter which trilogy, cartoon, or TV show you may watch regarding Star Wars, the common theme is still Good vs Evil. Or in George Lucas’ world, the Light vs the Dark Side. It all began with Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader. Then moved on to Vader vs himself, then the latest installment was Rey vs Kylo Ren. Now, The Mandalorian picks up where the other trilogies left off.

For many Star Wars fans, Empire Strikes Back is their favorite simply because it was the ultimate revenge movie where The Empire seemingly came out on top.

It would appear to many that the Resistance got the upper hand in all the trilogies but that’s not true. Thanks to the Season 2 finale of The Mandalorian, we now see that the Dark Side has always been victorious.

With Mando searching to get Grogu back to the Jedi’s, it was revealed that he could not be trained just by any Jedi. For the die-hard fans, that was a saying that we all remember too well. It was the same thing that was said about Annakin Skywalker.

Grogu, while small has a deep personal and emotional connection to Mando. When Grogu was kidnapped by Moff Gideon, Grogu, for just a moment did succumb to the Dark Side. In a funny but revealing scene, Grogu was seen using the force of the Dark Side to toss Storm Troopers around like rag dolls.

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In that moment, the Dark Side won as they have throughout the Star Wars’ story. Luke, as powerful as he is, even found himself giving in to the darkness. In that classic battle between him and Vader, Luke lost it when Vader found out about Leia. It was just a moment, but in that moment Luke became stronger.

As for Vader, he was the good guy but the death of his mother and then the death of Padme sent him over the edge. Now we have young Grogu. He appears to be solid but so were Luke and Vader at one point. With his emotions tied to Mando, will he be able to control them at such a young age and complete his training with Luke?

The Dark Side is lurking and let’s not forget the big plot twist here. Luke takes in Grogu well before Leia brings his nephew Ben to him. Ben is the offspring of Leia and Han Solo. Two good-hearted people but he turns on Luke at The Academy, becomes the next Darth Vader, and kills everyone at The Academy while giving in to the same darkness that overtook his grandfather.

So, look at the trail of bodies here. Luke fell victim. Vader fell victim, and now we have young Grogu and Kylo Ren. While they all found a path to redemption of sorts, there’s still no denying that the Dark Side is more powerful than we may believe.