The Minor Problem With How I Met Your Father

How I Met Your Father Cast

Now that How I Met Your Father is in season 2, I think I’ve finally put my finger on why it’s not quite the same as How I Met Your Mother. The jokes are there, it has familiarity, and the characters are fairly likable. There’s just one problem, it seems like it’s only halfway there. Then it hit me. The reason why the show feels off is it’s as if you went to see a play and they sent out the understudies. It has the same look and familiarity but it’s not as big of a performance as the original. The cast is a great mix of personalities but they haven’t developed the same back-and-forth yet.

To be fair to the show, it is very early on in its development. The first season was only 10 episodes whereas HIMYM was a full season order of 22. That’s where you have to judge fairly. While How I Met Your Father might not be quite the original in your eyes if you’re going to compare the two you have to do so from an apples-to-apples point of view. Now that it is in its second season, HIMYF has aired just 12 episodes. If you’re giving up on the show because it doesn’t quite have the same effect as the original you can’t judge on a season-to-season basis. Season 1 of HIMYF would only be halfway over if it aired on network television.

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If you go back and watch How I Met Your Mother and shut it off after 12 episodes, would it really hold a candle to its overall grandeur? Maybe, but probably not. Luckily for fans, Hulu is picking up the slack with season two and giving it a full 20-episode run. Why does that matter? A simple explanation is set up. How I Met Your Mother’s success was set up by likable characters and fantastic callbacks to earlier jokes. Running gags was half the appeal. None of those are set up in a shortened season. Let’s circle back on judging the show after season two. By then there will be 30 episodes of content to go off of.

If you want a true feel for How I Met Your Father, ignore the internet fanboys that over-review stuff. The fact that it’s a 1.9-star rating on Google is a joke. The Rotten Tomatoes score of 38% by critics is just as laughable. The audience score on Rotten Tomatoes is a bit closer to the real feel of the show at 69% but only because the show is half-baked right now. There’s no saying whether it will live up to the original at all, but if it’s even going to get close the audience will need to have some patience. There are some weak spots in the show so with so few episodes they seem more prominent. How I Met Your Mother wasn’t perfect either, but they had more chances.