The Rookie: Can’t Believe They Passed Up Such A Great Storyline

The Rookie

The Rookie premiered its 4th Season last month and opened it with a huge storyline. Officer Jackson West was killed while being abducted and just like that, the direction of the show changed. For three seasons, The Rookie has straddled the line of comedy and drama. But for some reason, it not has quite found the proper storylines to make it work the way Castle, The Blacklist, and Pretty Little Liars have.

But what’s missing?

For starters, the writers had a few storylines at their disposal and just ignored them. In Season 3, it was the budding relationship between Angela Lopez and drug kingpin La Fiera. But not to be outdone was what should have been a great story arc between John Nolan and criminal Rosalind. The Nolan and Rosalind arc took place in Season 2 but since then, it’s been complete silence.

But in Season 4, even after the abduction of Angela and the death of West, there was still time to circle back and keep that storyline intact.

In the first episode of Season 4, La Fiera was killed in a gun battle. But why? Why such a hasty decision on a storyline that had so much potential? Despite La Fiera’s intentions, she and Angela had great chemistry together. A mother who loses her child to her violent world going toe-to-toe with a detective on the verge of becoming a first-time mother.

This would have set the pair up for some great stories this season. Instead, the writers decided to kill La Fiera off in the first episode and left the viewers dangling just when the show was finding its footing. There could have been many ways The Rookie handled this storyline.

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All season could have been a game of cat and mouse between the two women. But still, somewhere in-between the chase, their relationship could have blossomed to a point of respect between the two. Remember, it was Angela who showed La Fiera’s son interest and it was Angela who tried to save her son’s life.

With La Fiera kidnapping Angela, that was a great start to something special. But to kill her off in the same episode, showed that their imagination for such a storyline did not reach as wild of some of the viewers. Instead, we’re left with Wesley becoming a dirty lawyer and not telling Angela and the rest of the LAPD why he agreed to make that choice.