Thoughts Of An Irritated Cleveland Indians Fan

Look, I’m all about being faithful to your team through the ups and downs. However, the Cleveland Baseball Club will no longer get my attention. Until that cheap a-s owner, Paul Dolan, is gone this team doesn’t deserve any money or time from me.

Look at the Indians World Series team. They have 2 players left from that roster. Two!  The General Manager Mark Shapiro has the nerve to say the moves made by trading Francisco Lindor and Carlos Carrasco will help improve the team’s winning window!? You expect any Indians fan to think that trading the best player in decades is going to improve our chances at winning? No, they did that to shed the $44 million that each player was to be owed.

More Indians: Don’t Expect Cleveland to Pay for Lindor

Even if that does happen, we all know anyone who makes any sort of impact will be traded to save money. You want me to invest my time and money in a team where I know the best player on the roster (Shane Bieber) is getting traded? We already know it.

I’m sorry but I won’t support a team that has an owner that has this mindset. You go out there with having the best intentions of winning games. How does anything this organization does give you that impression? Hell, the f’ing Sugardale hot dogs are more well known than any of Cleveland starting OF.

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This might seem like I’m not loyal, and I’m one of the most loyal fans you’ll find. But, with an owner like Dolan, I see no point in cheering on a team that doesn’t try to do everything they can to win. Investing in talent is the only way to be competitive in a league full of stars and clearly, he doesn’t care about the team, just the almighty dollar.

Image Source: Jason Miller/Getty Images