Tim Tebow could’ve been in Terrelle Pryor’s place if he just swallowed his pride

The evolution of Terrelle Pryor was not the first in modern-day NFL. There have been plenty of players to leave college and try their hand in the NFL and fail at their primary position. However, there are only a select few that has achieved what Pryor was able to do in 2016. Watching Pryor explode as a WR last season made me think of Tim Tebow and his failure.


Tebow, much like Pryor before him was a standout QB at the collegiate level. They both were drafted into the NFL to play their primary position but for whatever reason, it didn’t work. Tebow, I thought had a future in the league with the Denver Broncos but his lack of accuracy ruined that chance. Well, to be honest, his lack of QB’ing skills killed his chances with several teams. However, there was still a chance he could be in the NFL had he just humbled himself and took a chance on his talents.

To be fair, he played WR for the Broncos for a brief moment but he didn’t stick to it. After he was cut by the New England Patriots and the Philadelphia Eagles he continued to work with a trainer on his throwing mechanics when he should have switched up his routine and position and mastered something else. It takes a person dedicated to the game to change and Tebow just didn’t have it. How many times have we called Tebow a football player?  Not in the sense that he plays but the way he went about the game?

A person that plays football and a “football player” are different in their approach.

A person that plays the game is anyone we see on the field. However, a “football player” is a player like Pryor. He loved the game so such that he saw it wasn’t working for him at QB and knew he needed to make a change to further his career. Maybe we figured Pryor to struggle at his new position but to see him excel to the level of 77 receptions for 1007 yards and 4 touchdowns just show what a person with faith in themselves can achieve.

This could’ve been Tebow had he showed the same passion for football that he did when it came to pouting about not making it as a QB. After failed attempts, he joined the broadcasting booth. When he decided he wanted to return, instead of looking at the bigger picture he stood firm and hurt his NFL chances even more. Now, he wants to be a baseball player. And that’s not working out too well for him either.

Pryor set an example of a person that’s willing to go that extra mile for what he loves. He saw what Tebow went through and wanted more his career. That is a “football player”.