Titans: 3 Questions from the Season 2 Premiere

DC Universe’s Titans

DC Universe’s Titans season 2 premiere dropped today  and the show picked up right where last season left off. Well, before the post credit scene. After watching the first episode of season 2, we’ve got some questions. As always, if you haven’t watched yet, spoilers ahead.

When do we get to see Nightwing?

How is this still a question? Aren’t we tired of it yet? Dick already threw away his Robin persona, now we’re in season 2 and he’s still not everyone’s favorite Titans character yet? Enough already! If we have to wait until midway through the second season for this its going to get really lame, really fast. 

Not only is he now putting together his own team, but he’s already been replaced as Robin by Jason Todd. Titans needs to stop dragging out their lone reveal and roll with what fans want. Rip that bandaid off and give us Nightwing.

How long until Superboy makes his return?

At the end of last season, if you waited long enough, you got a glimpse of what we think is to come. Superboy and Krypton were shown at the end of season 1 as a tease post credit. But if you watched the season two premiere, nothing. Another slow dragged out story that we’ll have to wait to get our hands on.

In shortened season shows, audiences don’t care about the filler. That’s the nice part of streaming shows, they don’t have 20+ episodes of story to fill. If all of Titans is going to be is a series of wait until the finale moments, then fans will lose interest quick.

What’s Deathstroke’s motive?

Two characters were revealed in season 1, Bruce Wayne and Slade Wilson. The former gives way to Dick Greyson to lead a new team of Titans. The latter, well, we just don’t know yet. However, with casting choices being set for Ravager and Jericho we have to assume its a very heavy Deathstroke season. A long time adversary of the Titans, he’s more than likely up to no good. Will we see classic comic stories unfold or will the show take its own approach to the character?

As the first show released on DC Universe, Titans received plenty of hype early on. With a solid season 1, season 2 needs to amp up the energy. After Swamp Thing was cancelled fans were left wondering about the state of the streaming service. Without a strong showing in season 2, Titans and DC Universe might not be around much longer.