Titans: Lingering questions after this week’s “Deathstroke” episode

DC Universe’s Titans

Titans season 2 was back with another all-new episode this Friday titled “Deathstroke” and as usual we’re left with questions. With a show down between Dick Greyson and Deathstroke, the Titans are being led down new path. Whether its the younger Titans that need to come together, or the older group that needs to make up for past sins. Episode five is approaching the midway point of the season, at some point team will have to work as a unit or the show itself won’t make sense.

**As always, if you haven’t seen this week’s episode, stop reading and come back when done.**

Can Rachel control her powers and fit the team?

We’ve seen the troubled mind of Raven all season long. She so badly wants to be the hero that saves the day, but ever since the showdown with Trigon her darker side is coming out more and more. In her sparing sessions with Jason, in her fight with Rose, and even in her sleep. Her power seems to have a mind of its own and is putting everyone around her  on edge. Can she wrangle in her powers or will they continue to push everyone away.

Does Connor Kent save Jason?

Obviously last season’s tease of Superboy in the season finale’s post credit scene so we know he’s out there. What a perfect way to introduce the world’s favorite flying hero than having him swoop in last minute and save the day, and Jason. While next week’s episode looks as if it is heavy in Connor content, it’s more than likely more flashback to show off his powers than sticking with the current timeline.

More than likely we’ll see him fly in mid episode to pull of the save and the back half get the team building moment where Superboy meets the rest of the Titans.

What’s going on with Gar

One of the more curious moments of this episode was just how much Gar was standoff-ish with the rest of the heroes. Whether he felt like it was his fault or the show down with Deathstroke has him on edge, there’s clearly a divide within the Titans. Could being out of the loop be straining to the younger iteration.

With episode six being titled “Connor” we’ll be getting a heavy dose of Superboy next week. How much he’ll fit into the team’s dynamic will more than likely be teased next episode. Can the show continue to make up for last season’s struggles. Come back next week to see.