Titans Season 2: 5 Questions after Episode 2

Rose from Titans

Titans -- Ep. 202 -- "Rose" -- Photo Credit: Steve Wilkie / 2019 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Titans was back for another new episode on DC Universe. The latest episode of the superhero show dropped on Friday and was a step up from where the show left off in season 1. Let’s face it, episode 1 of season two was supposed to be the finale for the previous season, but for whatever reason DC decided to push it back. Episode 2, titled Rose, picks up the story where we left off last week advancing the Slade Wilson storyline. After finishing up the episode we have some more questions after the introduction of a new character, Rose.

As always if you haven’t watched the second episode yet, pause your reading then come back to us.

First, does it seem like Dick is grooming Jason to be the leader?

Throughout this entire episode, we see Jason Todd sparring with Gar, taking lead on finding Rose’s identity, and being coached in leadership by Dick. Is it simply a coincidence or…

Is this episode previewing a potential spin-off?

In the comic book world, there are the Titans and Teen Titans iterations. Could they be setting up another showdown the road for their streaming service? Not only does it show Jason being groomed, but they also haven’t dropped some of the other characters who’s story looked to come to an end. There’s definitely a sense of an older generation vs a newer one with Hawk/Dove, Starfire, Donna Troy, and Dick Greyson. Then there’s Gar, Raven, Jason and now Rose. Even more, evidence was teased with…

Name drops. What role will these characters play?

If you paid enough attention, there were two names mentioned in this episode, Aqualad and Roy Harper, two more members of Dick’s old crew. With the show clearly centering on the newer Titans will it be small cameos or reoccurring roles? At this point in time maybe it’s all just coincidental and Dick is just having old friends keep an eye on new recruits.

Who’s the actual villain this season?

So far we’ve been introduced to both Slade Wilson and Doctor Light, neither of which seemed up to no good. Obviously, Deathstroke has been a thorn in the side of the Titans for years in the comic books, but can the streaming iteration support the main villain and side villain simultaneously? 

After all, this isn’t regular network television with 20+ episodes per season. Adding new characters each week to support the growing universe then splitting screen time to grow to separate stories might take its toll on the over all quality of the show. Which villain wins out in the end as this season’s focus?

Lastly, how long can they drag out this lack of team thing?

So far on Titans, we’ve seen the team come together one time. It lasted barely an episode and now they’re split up again. Donna and Starfire off on their own. Dick running off to recruit Rose. Jason, Gar, and Raven back at the tower on their own. 13 episodes in and they’re still not even close to working together. 

It’s the same issue with Dick Greyson as Nightwing. They’re holding off for the big payoff but with each episode audiences’ patience has to be wearing thin. Can they pull the team together in time before it gets stale?

Titans has definitely dialed it up a little with the past episode but slow playing the hand might be hurting the show. Fans want to see Easter eggs, teases of things to come and continuity to support it all. Right now, the show is doing none of those three things and it could slow the development for audiences. Hopefully season two brings that with the Deathstroke story arc or it won’t be around much longer.