Titans: What’s up with Dick Greyson? – Cavemen Radio Show

Titans Dick Greyson

Just two episodes into DC Universe’s Titans and it’s clear, this isn’t the same Dick Greyson we’re used to. As he eludes to in Hawk and Dove, something has changed in him. He’s angry, violent, and seems to be losing his way. While this plays well into the R rating well, it leaves a lot of loose ends when it comes to story. Clearly, the rift between himself and Bruce Wayne was a lot more damaging to a young Dick Greyson than we already assumed. When pressed about it he insists he’s not the same guy he use to be, but what was his breaking point? What is he hiding and just how much of that will we actually see play out? Of course, this early in the series we’ll only get peppered with tidbits until the eventual reveal, but just how much damage is done?


We almost certainly won’t see Batman on Titans. While fans have been begging for Bruce Wayne outside of the origin story of Gotham. Even with the Fox show there’s never enough Batman. Every year, the Arrow-verse has been teasing the character since the earlier days of Arrow but Warner Bros has been keeping the character to strictly movies only.

The only hang up? Dick’s story revolves around his break up with Bruce Wayne as a sidekick. There’s no way to dive deeper into his back story without Batman. Just how will they show the breaking point for Dick if they still can’t use Batman? With the shows darker tones, do they just portray him in the shadows as Dick navigates a flashback? A dark silhouette fits the Batman mold but will it be enough for fans? 

Then of course, how will a changed Dick Greyson transition from tortured former sidekick to leader of the Titans? It’s not like they can withhold that story for too long, the whole show is the team up. You can’t team up without a team and every team has their leaders. Can Dick Greyson snap out of his funk and be the hero he was meant to be or are darker days ahead?[CMRickTwitter]