Titans: Where Does the Team Go After the “Bruce Wayne” Episode?

DCU’s Titans

As the showdown between Deathstroke and Dick Greyson inches closer, we learn more about the troubles of each of our heroes. Episode 7 titled “Bruce Wayne” we see the struggle that still haunt each of the Titans. The judgement of Bruce Wayne still is stuck in the head of Dick. The death of Aqualad still carries baggage for Wonder Girl. Hank is still battling the demons of alcoholism and the rest of the team is still affected by much more. The effects of their past still keeps our heroes from being who they’re meant to be and episode 7 leaves us with plenty of questions

And of course, if you haven’t watched, as always stop here!

How much does Deathstroke know about our heroes?

Now that it has been revealed that Dick killed Slade’s son, Deathstoke’s motive comes to the forefront. The ex-military assassin now has a grudge that fuels his rage. In “Bruce Wayne” we see just how much Slade can move in silence without anyone noticing his presence as he places memory triggers around Titans Tower to trigger our heroes but how long has he been there? Which begs the question ..

Is Rose a mole allowing Slade into the tower?

One of the obvious choices on how Deathstroke breaches the secure tower of the team is his daughter who’s currently being held “captive”. Of course, the duo could be at odds as previous episodes have lead us to believe or this could be the misdirect we’re all distracted by. Could the Wilson’s tricked the Titans into believing she was in danger, made them believe it was her choice to say, only to turn on them in the end? Or is Slade Wilson just that good. We’re leaning towards the prior.

Are Dick Greyson’s days numbered?

With the reveal that Dick is the source of the Titans struggles it won’t be long before the rest of the team knows. Once the cat is out of the bag, it’ll be hard for him to come back and earn the trust of the team he’s meant to follow. On top of his leadership in question, new Robin Jason Todd has taken a lot of heat from each of his fellow heroes. We see a broken and emotionally defeated Jason. Oddly enough, in most comics we see just how much a character is broken down before their rise to glory. Could the eventual showdown with Deathstroke spell the end of Dick Greyson and Jason Todd thrust into the leadership role with the Titans?

Next week’s episode “Jericho” probably won’t give us the answers we need. Instead, it’ll more than likely be heavy in flashbacks to show just how Dick arrived at the decision to take out Deathstoke’s son. Was it revenge or did a naive Dick Greyson try to live up to his mentor, Batman, and an accident send him spiraling down this dark path?