TV Icons: The Greatest Shows Of All Time Pt. 1 – LOST


Not too many shows have the appeal LOST did to a wide variety of viewers. It wasn’t a show you just casually watched or kept up with. It was a show that you were all in and your friends and family talked about for hours between each episode.

What started off as a show about survivors of a plane crash, LOST was one of those shows that would lead you down a rabbit hole, and keep you there all night. What was in the hatch? Who were the others? What’s up with the island? What was the smoke monster? Who is Jacob? The questions would go on and on. But no matter what anyone tells you, no, they weren’t all dead the whole time.

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The appeal was heavily based on the mystery, but also on character development. People you hated at the start of the show, like Sawyer, you quietly rooted over time. Then by the end of the show, you were begging for their redemption. Then there was the John Lockes who you thought would be the hero and turned out to be so far gone by the end. Throughout the show, these characters evolved just as much as the show did. Each character had their own backstory that unfolded and advanced the narrative in the current time on the island. Finding out how they all ended up on the plane and how their stories all tied together added the extra intrigue.

While LOST is probably one of the greatest shows of its time, it might not make it in today’s streaming world. As stated before, the appeal was in the mystery, and the theories involved percolated over not just the week-to-week show, but months of the season, and even in the years with each coming season. There were mysteries that weren’t answered right away, ones that weren’t answered until the end, and some that are still confusing. Each episode was character-centric so you wouldn’t see their story fully play out until they received another episode. Sometimes that was a couple of weeks, at times it was much longer. Then their story had to fit into the season narrative.  With each passing week, the theories only grew larger as new information popped up. LOST wouldn’t survive the binge-heavy programming we watch today.

When it comes to great television, it’s not just about what shows are great at the time. The greatest ones are the ones that leave a lasting impact. They’re the ones that someone can bring up in conversation years later and still carry out thoughts and opinions about the show. LOST will forever be one of those shows that left people guessing and talking about for years to come. That’s why it’s one of the tv’s greatest shows of all time.