Valentine’s Day is Not Father’s Day

Valentines Day

Ok ladies, here is a bit of advice for those not sure what to get the men in their life for Valentine’s Day. But before we begin, let’s get one thing clear. Valentine’s Day is not Father’s Day. With that, I mean do not attempt to get him something that he can get himself like the same things you would normally do for his birthday, Christmas or Father’s Day. With that said, here are 3 gifts that you should NOT get for that man in your life for Valentine’s Day.

No Socks or Ties

Do not try this at any time. Even if money is tight and you just want to do something special for your significant other, this is not the route to go. Ties and socks, well, even if we don’t like them as gifts, those are reserved for Christmas and Father’s Day. We fully understand those are the gifts we receive and we’re fine with that.

But this is a day to show the essence of the heart. Think about the price of socks and ties. A pair of socks will run a person $8. For that much, you can get cards and candy. Yes, we’ll be perfectly happy with that. Besides, Christmas was just two months ago so we already have a draw full of new socks. And depending on the man, we don’t wear ties every day so what’s the point of loading our closet up with more?

More Relationships: Valentine’s Day, It’s Good to Keep An Open Mind


It’s the same thing. While we may like a good tool-set, I’m pretty sure your man just unwrapped one two months ago. What more do you need him to fix around the house? If he has to have more tools then you guys need to get a new house or a new car if things keep breaking down. We get the point. You want your man to be a manly man but at what cost?

We like the finer things in life as well and there is nothing about a tool-set that screams Happy Valentine’s Day. What it does say is “Bae, can you fix the water heater or tune my car up”? Yeah, that has nothing to do with us in the grand scheme of things. Save this gift for Father’s Day. We’ll appreciate it more. Trust me.

No Spa Day

No matter if you think he needs a Mani or Pedi, today is not the day for that. We’re men and if your man is a sports fan, then you should know we like noise. Think about it. How does he watch the game? Is the TV loud? Does he have friends over? Does he yell at the TV when he team does something stupid?

If you can answer yes to any of those questions, then a Spa Day is out of the equation. We would rather be somewhere quiet with you or in front of a TV or at a Sports Bar of some sort. We have no time to be in a quiet place with a face mask and cucumbers on our eyes listening to the sounds of oceans and birds chirping.