Valentines Day: It’s Good To Keep An Open Mind

Valentines Day

It can start with a message, a wave, stare or a simple brush on a crowded train. But the end result can be well worth the initial contact. It starts off as an honest mistake as one party or both may not see the other in that light at the time but then the light goes off. “It was you all along”. How could that be, you keep asking yourself?

As we approach this special day for lovers, we must take into account what the day really means. Love is a strong word that should not be thrown around with ease. It must be earned and to do so it takes two people stripping themselves down to the bone and showing one another who they really are inside and out. Sounds simple right? Too bad it’s never that easy.

Valentine’s Day is way more than balloons, candy, and expensive dinners. It’s just the thought that someone cares enough to share the moment with you. What’s wrong with walks in the park, acting silly in your own kitchen or just watching her sleep as she takes the covers off your cold body? But, what if that person is not near you? There’s no shame in staying on the phone for hours just hearing the sound of her voice, the high pitch of her laughter and chuckle as she tells you about some crazy idea of zip-lining or dragging you on a boat.

It’s not the fact that we look for endless romance in something new. I love the idea of having that special person to share my thoughts with. The fact of the matter is that these things may never happen. I love the idea of the possibilities that we can have. The fact is, we have responsibilities to attend to and may never have the chance to enjoy a quiet day or weekend with just the two of us. But, allow me to lose myself if only for a few minutes in the idea of it all. Let me indulge in the idea that when I get home we can unwind together. It may not happen but at least you know that I thought not only of my needs but hers as well.

If we can spend every waking moment like this, lost in thought and stuck on an idea, there is no way that we could ever let go of what we have. The facts are just that, facts. Valentine’s Day is a factual day but what I want is something more. I want the idea that every day is Valentine’s Day, that way we can celebrate this forever.