While A Worthy Effort, Good Boys Doesn’t Live Up To The Hype

Good Boys

Good Boys didn’t live up to the hype it received. While a worthwhile effort, the film wasn’t funny. Seeing as that was supposed to be the calling card of this movie, that’s a tad disappointing. Still, it’s worth seeing only because there’s a real charm factor to this motion picture.

You wouldn’t think charm and this film go together, but they do. Good Boys isn’t your typical raunchy comedy. There are scenes in this film which have meaning (especially near the end), that make this a coming of age story. It’s actually quite well put together.

One thing that’s a positive about Good Boys was the ending. The payoff of the film felt very real. While it was your typical happy ending, the emotion behind it felt real. It goes to show you that everyone grows up at some point. The ending was building throughout the entire movie.

Despite this, the film isn’t funny. There are times that you’ll get a chuckle, however, there aren’t enough laugh out loud moments to make this a classic. A lot of the pre-release hype said this was the kids as starring roles version of Superbad. It is most certainly not that.

Another issue with Good Boys, there’s a lot going on in this film. There are multiple plot lines within the main story. Whether its about the drugs, drone, party, girls, friendships, there is a lot to take in. It felt as if every 5 minutes a new plot line was taking place. While not the worst thing to gripe about, things just felt cluttered.

There are a few twists that you won’t see coming. One, which is a central plot point to the film, takes you a bit off guard. It deals with the main characters crush and their brief relationship. It was kind of odd to see this plot point. After all that buildup in the movie, it just falls apart at the end.

Some may find Good Boys a lot funnier than myself. It’s a good movie, however, going into it expecting a standout comedy film, I was disappointed. It’s worth the effort to see this if you like a few laughs and a good story of friendship.

Image Source: Universal