Who’s The King Of The High-Flyers? Ricochet Or Mustafa Ali?

Mustafa Ali

Image Source: WWE

Can we just get Ricochet vs. Mustafa Ali? The WWE Universe needs this match. An encounter like this would launch the career of Ali and establish Ricochet as the true “One and Only.” It might seem a bit out of place to want Mustafa Ali in such a high-profile match. He’s definitely earned his spot on the Main Roster.

At the Elimination Chamber, Ali was set to face-off with 5 other men in the Chamber match. He succumbed to injury and couldn’t compete. That would have been the career moment for Ali, who’s performed on a WrestleMania kick-off show. He’s one of the most gifted workers in WWE right now. That’s exactly why he needs to be in the ring with Ricochet.

Ali and Ricochet share very similar styles. Both are skilled wrestlers and make their living with aerial acrobatics. Ali, who developed his craft on 205 Live, is the greener of the two. Ricochet has been on the indie scene for years. His talents are well documented across the world. Don’t count Ali out, though.

A lot of the appeal to Ali on 205 Live was the underdog approach. Nobody gave him a chance after his appearance on the Cruiserweight Classic. He wasn’t supposed to be on Smackdown Live. His perseverance paid off. He’s now one of WWE’s brightest young stars.

Ricochet has taken a different approach to WWE. The underdog role never applied to him in WWE. He won PWG BOLA twice, was a multiple time Lucha Underground Champion, competed in New Japan and the World Cup of Wrestling. The spotlight has always been on him. Ricochet has always delivered when it was time.

Some say Ricochet was one of the biggest signings in WWE history. He needs to be featured in the biggest matches. Ricochet should be a WWE Champion. The same can be said for Mustafa Ali. WWE obviously has big plans for both.

Ricochet is the one WWE would be more likely to push. You’d think Vince McMahon has a bit of a thing for Mustafa Ali. There has never been a 205 Live talent make the jump to the main roster. The opposite has happened, but Ali is a first.

Ricochet might be the more decorated, although, WWE had more to do with Ali’s development. There really isn’t a clear favorite among the two. Both are amazing talents, that’s for sure. Who would you pick?