Why Avengers: Endgame Easily Wins Best Scene Of The Decade


I can admit, for years I haven’t been too big on going to the theatres to see any movie. However, in 2019, I had to make an exception. For me, it was Marvel or nothing. When we finally got the date that Avengers: Endgame was being released, goosebumps hit my neck. You ask why? Well, for the same reasons you got excited. This is a franchise we’ve followed for years, and some even more if you’re a comic book buff.

So, as a decade comes to a close, the big question in the entertainment world is, what was the best movie of the decade?

For me, it wasn’t Endgame but it did provide the best scene. This brings me back to that whole speech about not going to the movies. Sitting at home and doing Firestick is cool but when you get with your peers, you can either feel the dislike of a movie or feel that joy from others. With Endgame, it was both. The movie in itself was pretty good but fans were waiting for a moment where it all came together.

Then it happened.

Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man decided to do battle with Thanos one last time. As the three heroes walked to the impending fight, you could feel the intensity building. Little did fans know that a magical moment was about to take place. The action started and for the first few moments, Thanos gave the three Avengers more than they could handle.

But with Iron Man down and Thor doing his best to stay alive with Thanos standing over him, it happened. The camera moved to Mjolnir and it began to levitate and it knocked Thanos off Thor. The weapon then vanished but it didn’t go to Thor. It was at that moment that movie time stood still and fans froze. Where did it go? Thor was down, Iron Man was down, so, that left only one person–Captain America.

When the camera zoomed back on Cap, Mjolnir was just reaching his hands. Now, if you were in the movie theater with any real fans, the audience should have erupted in applause. Hell, even Thor said it best “I knew it”. It was the greatest scene that we’ve seen in any movie over the last decade. Yes, a good old fashioned fight, shootout, or some great eye-opening dialogue could be up here but no, this one scene has brought together years of questions for moviegoers.

For those who haven’t seen the movie or went to a dry theater where the audience just had no kind of emotion, here is a clip of hat you missed.

Now, take it all again. Watch it for a second or third time if you have to. It’s that feeling that comes over when that moment happens. A decade worth of movies and one scene, just one scene will have moviegoers talking for eternity.