Woman Crush Wednesday: Jaimie Alexander makes artwork look sexy

There’s something in a woman who drives every man crazy. Some are turned on by a woman’s physical features like her butt, legs, chest or feet. Others may have a thing for hair, a smile or smell. I consider myself a leg man, at least I thought I was until I saw Jaimie Alexander crawl out that duffel bag in Time’s Square during the premiere of Blindspot.


Alexander, just playing a role in a show is not covered in tats in her personal life but as Jane Doe, she wears them as if she was born with them. To top it off, she is beyond bad ass with a gun or with combat. Beauty, brains, and brawn. Alexander is the perfect woman.

Alexander was born in Greenville, South Carolina but moved to Texas when she was four and while there is when she accidentally burrowed her acting career. Alexander moved to Los Angeles a little while after high school and in 2003 is when she really began her career. Alexander took on roles anywhere she could but it wasn’t until 2009 in Marvel Comics, Thor that I first took notice of this beautiful woman. She would later go on to play in the sequel and use the character again to guest star on ABC’s Marvel Agents Of Shield as the sexy sword yielding Sif. 

However, in 2015 is when the tattoos took me by storm.

Jane Doe reminded me of the love I had for Nikita when that show aired but, Jane offered another side to her that Nakita lacked. Those eye-catching pieces of artwork all over her body. It didn’t matter to me that she has the name of another man on her back. I can forgive her. Alexander has taken a character that most women in Hollywood would have turned down due to the nature of the role. But, for a woman raised in the house with four older brothers, what else would you expect?

Alexander and those tats stand for strength and beauty and I’m just angry that I can never find the area NBC shoots the show in so I can see Alexander in person.  

If you’re reading this Jaimie, when and where in NYC do you guys shoot? Drop me an email or something.