Wonder Woman 84 Left Marvel Fans In Deep Depression

Wonder Woman

Did Marvel get an early viewing of Wonder Woman 84? There has to be a reason besides the COVID pandemic that they decided to push back Black Widow. I mean, they do have their own streaming service and could easily do the same thing they did with Mulan and that DC and HBO Max did with WW84, right?

The only logical thing I can come up with is that Marvel has a master plan and DC walked right into it.

Of all the current DC movies over the past five years, only Wonder Woman was worth the price of admission. So, with the sequel hitting theaters and streaming services in 2020, WW84 was set to launch the next wave of great DC movies. At least, that’s what fans were expecting.

While DC fans may be disappointed with WW84, Marvel fans, on the other hand, are excited but still trapped in depression.

With Marvel taking a year off, this was the perfect opportunity for DC to take advantage of their absence. All Wonder Woman 84 did was make Marvel fans wish that Black Widow was released in 2020. Wonder Woman is a great character but the lack of true action was very noticeable throughout the film.

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The overall message of the movie was great but the soul was missing. With Black Widow and Marvel, it’s all about the action. Marvel fans, despite their allegiance to the studio, still gave WW84 a try. And why not? Fans are waiting for that awesome female solo movie and with the huge success of the first film, the expectations were raised with the sequel.

With Black Widow being pushed back, Marvel can now wait until the critics are done bashing WW84 and provide the female superhero fan base with a movie that will certainly hit on all cylinders. The disaster that we witnessed on Christmas night was the equivalent of Michael Jordan retiring from basketball for a year and then returning. We knew how great he was but didn’t appreciate it until he was gone.

This is what the superhero world just witnessed this weekend. Marvel had a great run with Phase 1, 2, and 3, then they took a seat until the release of Phase 4. A year off and they gave another studio a chance to take the reigns, but DC failed. Now, Marvel is set to unleash a barrage of movies and shows in 2021 and there is nothing DC has in their lineup that can challenge them.

Even with the great success of Endgame, fans were tiring a bit of the whole superhero lore. But with some time between projects, plus the lack of great original movies outside of the DCEU and MCU, Wonder Woman 84 had a chance to change people’s perception.

What was clear after the credits started to roll was that Marvel is missed.