WWE: Is Dean Ambrose’s situation a work or legit?

Dean Ambrose

Photo Credit: Sporting News

On the heels of the Royal Rumble, there has been a lot of major news. One of them happen to be the news that Dean Ambrose won’t resign with the WWE after his contract being up in April. A few days after this announcement, the WWE issued a statement on it. It would say, “Dean Ambrose (Jonathan Good) will not be renewing his contract with the WWE when it expires in April. We are grateful and appreciative of all that Dean has given to WWE and our fans. We wish him well and hope that one day Dean will return to the WWE.”

Now this whole situation has gotten the WWE Universe into a major buzz for a few reasons. For starters, it’s odd that the WWE is releasing a statement on a superstar leaving the company weeks before it happens. Second off, the WWE doesn’t usually give such a positive future endeavor with the line of “hope that one day Dean will return to the WWE.” Third off, the WWE tends to not use the wrestler’s real name. Most of the WWE fans already know what Dean Ambrose’s real name is. With all these questions being brought up, there happens to be a bigger question brought up.
Is this whole situation real, or a work?

Now if you don’t know, a work is a rationalized lie. In addition, a work is different from a shoot. There could be an argument made on both sides that could be made as to if this is legit or an angle. On one side he has been critical of the PG product. However, why would the WWE issue the statement that they did. As of this writing, we don’t know if this is his way to get into AWE or to simply get out of wrestling. This could be another Wade Barrett or Cody Rhodes thing.

As we saw with Wade Barrett, he wasn’t happy with his character and wanted out of wrestling. On the other side, Cody Rhodes was also not happy with the Stardust gimmick and wanted to spread his wings in the wrestling world.