WWE: How to Book Nikki Bella and Ronda Rousey Heading Into Evolution

On last night’s RAW, The Riott Squad would end up attacking Ronda Rousey after she issued an open challenge. As the beat down was going on, the Bella Twins would end up coming down to the ring. This shouldn’t come as a surprise as it has been known that Rousey and the Bella Twins will take on the Riott Squad at the Super showdown in a few weeks. It’s been rumored for some time that the main event of Evolution will be Nikki Bella vs. Ronda Rousey for the Raw Woman’s title. If that is still the case, I could see the WWE using the Super showdown to make it happen.

For starters, I find it highly unlikely that Ronda Rousey would turn heel. So this would mean that Nikki Bella turns heel on Rousey. Hence, the scenario I could see playing out would end up stretching out between the Australia show and Raw. In fact, seeing how the company is booking Ronda Rousey, you would suspect that she and the Bellas would end up winning.

As they are in the ring celebrating, I would have Nikki Bella blind side Rousey and attack her from behind. I wouldn’t have the announcers say anything and I would cut right to a commercial. Fast forward to the next night, I would have Ronda Rousey stand in the ring with a confused look on her face. I would have her say something to the extent of, “ Nikki, why did you attack me like that”?  I would see Nikki coming out to the top of the ramp.

When Nikki came out, I’d have her say this, “ While you were in UFC, I was one of the people paving the way for you guys. I’m the longest reigning Divas champion and now that I’m back here I want a shot at your title.” Ronda would then say, “you didn’t have to attack me and I would have given you a shot”. Nikki would then laugh and say I’ll see you in a few weeks on Long Island at Evolution. Thus, you would need to turn one of them heel to invest the WWE Universe in the story. It is tough to get a story over with the WWE crowd where you have two faces.

How would you feel about Ronda Rousey facing Nikki Bella? Leave a comment below.