WWE: The one belt that has eluded John Cena……..

I am not going out on a limb here. However, John Cena has done a lot in the 16 years that he has been on the main roster of the WWE. In that time, he has held the WWE Championship 13 times, the WWE World heavyweight title 3 times, 5 time US Champion, 2 time WWE Tag team Champion, 2 time World Tag Team Champion, 2 time Royal Rumble winner, and won the Money in the Briefcase once. While he has accomplished a lot, there happens to be one belt that has eluded John Cena in his almost two decades of being in the WWE.


He has never won the Intercontinental Title. When I look at that, I am partly shocked and partly not. I will explain. It is shocking because even when John Cena was in his early days in the WWE, I would have figured he would have held it at least once. However, I am not shocked by it because I feel that belt hasn’t needed to be elevated. Personally, I credit that to the Miz who has been able to elevate the title in his eight reigns. However, I feel John Cena’s in-ring career is coming to an end soon. Before he wraps everything up, I would like to see him become an IC champion.

If he is able to do this and I don’t doubt that he has the ability, it would make him a Grand Slam Champion. There are only a few wrestlers who are in this club. I figure John Cena will get in there eventually. Hell, with Randy Orton winning the US belt at Fastlane he is now in that club. It’s worth noting that he and Cena started in the WWE around the same time.

Would like to see John Cena win the IC belt once before he retires? Let us know in the comments below.

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