WWE Rumors: Are Pentagon and Fenix NXT Bound?

It seems that there may be two new superstars heading to NXT. MLW sent out a tweet tonight that said, “It’s been an incredible 2018 for the LuchaBros! And a monumental moment is on the horizon for @ReyFenixMix and @PENTAELZEROM as we hear what 2019 holds for them. MLW fans be shocked to hear what’s nxt!” This tweet has led many people to speculate what has been a rumor for some time. The rumor has been that Pentagon and Fenix were on the WWE radar.

The timing for this is odd. NXT Takeover Brooklyn was a few weeks ago and War Games isn’t until Survivor Series weekend. Although, if this is true that the WWE has signed both of them, this will be huge additions for NXT. For starters, I wouldn’t have them go right to the main roster like AJ Styles did. However, if they go to the main roster right away, they’ll get lost in the shuffle. Therefore, I would have them go to NXT for several reasons. If you look at the current “main event” scene of NXT, there really isn’t any Mexican wrestlers getting a push. Hence, you can push these two guys.

In addition, you can add some depth to the tag team division. Right now, you have Undisputed Era, Mustache Mountain, Street Profits, Heavy Machinery, The Mighty, War Raiders, and Forgotten Sons. In fact, out of those teams, the Undisputed Era and War Raiders are the two teams NXT is pushing the most. Thus, adding the Lucha Brothers to the fold will spice the division up. However, my biggest fear is that the WWE will water them down. It seems that WWE waters down wrestlers who come from the indy scene.

If they are truly WWE bound, NXT should debut them at the tapings and not a Takeover. Many expect to see debuts at Takeover, not at a TV taping. It would give you the shock value and be a moment we all talk about for some time.

So, how do you feel about Pentagon and Fenix heading towards NXT? Leave a comment below.