WWE Rumors: Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns may not headline WrestleMania

As of now, the WrestleMania card has yet to be finalized. With it not being finalized, there is some speculation as far as the main event. The feeling for the last year has been that the main event will be Roman Reigns taking on Brock Lesnar for the WWE Universal title. However, now the rumor mills are saying that the WWE may be downplaying Lesnar with the feeling that he is leaving. This is leading to some talk that the main event of WrestleMania 34 could be Kurt Angle and Ronda Rousey going up against Triple H and Stephanie McMahon.


I have a few issues if this happens to be the case. Also, I have watched wrestling for some time. Furthermore, I have always looked at the main event as being the title match. One of the matches set for WrestleMania is AJ Styles going up against Shinsuke Nakamura for the WWE title. I would like someone to explain to me why in the hell that isn’t closing the dam show. Several wrestling fans have been clamoring for that match since both guys signed with the WWE. I am not taking anything away from the mixed tag match, but why not close the show with Styles and Nakamura.

If they don’t go Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns to close the show and chose the mixed tag match, it will be the seventh straight WrestleMania where a part-timer main event the show. At WrestleMania 27,28 and 29 we had the Rock. At WrestleMania 30 we had Batista, Triple H headlined WrestleMania 32. Undertaker, Goldberg, and Lesnar were in the main event matches at WrestleMania 33. Rousey has yet to have a match in the WWE. So, you want to give her the main event of probably your biggest show ever.

This is a rumor and you should take it with a grain of salt.

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