WWE Rumors: Lita no longer with the company

It was noted last week that WWE has pulled Hall of Famers Lita and Jerry “The King” Lawler from weekly WWE programming.

It should be noted that Lawler will still be appearing on WWE TV for special occasions like the WWE Hall of Fame Ceremony that happens the night before Wrestlemania. This is also due to the fact that Lawler now just has a legends deal with the company.

On the other hand, it was unknown as to the status of Lita. However. Jim Ross just tweeted out earlier on Wednesday that Lita is actually no longer with the company. It should also be noted that this was Lita telling Jim Ross herself. She started her time in wrestling back in 1999 when she first made her debut for Extreme Championship Wrestling, this was after spending approximately a year on the independent scene. However, her stay with ECW would end up wrapping up in late 1999.

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Lita would end up making her debut in the WWF on February 13,2000 on an episode of Sunday Night Heat. After a few months of being in the company, she would end up getting paired with Matt and Jeff Hardy and they would end up forming a stable known as Team Xtreme. Over the years of being with the company, she would end up feuding with a lot of the men and women who were wrestling at the time.

However, her most famous feud was with Trish Stratus. These two would end up being the top women wrestlers during the early 2000s and would also go on to be the first women to main event a RAW. She is also a four-time WWF and WWE Women’s Champion and is a member of the Hall of Fame since 2014. I hope this is not true, but if it is then I tip my hat to Lita on everything she accomplished. I also consider Trish Stratus and her to be pioneers in the women’s division.