WWE Rumors: Possible Opponent for Undertaker at WrestleMania

We actually may be seeing a wrestling fantasy actually become reality. As of now, John Cena is not happy with the management of WWE. There have been rumblings going around that we may be seeing Cena vs. the Undertaker in a career vs. title type of match at Wrestlemania 33. However, Vince McMahon is now having the creative team of WWE comes up with other possible opponents to face the Dead Man at WrestleMania.

One of the names being mentioned is the former WCW champion, Sting. Sting was in WCW for fourteen years and then went on other wrestling promotions before finally debuting in WWE at Survivor Series in 2014. He would end up only having two matches, one against Triple H at WrestleMania 31 and one against Seth Rollins at Night of Champions. Every wrestling fan put to bed the rumors of Sting vs. Undertaker after Sting would go on to announce his retirement the night before WrestleMania 32 at the Hall of Fame inductions.

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However, Sting said in an interview on Legends with JBL that he is holding off having neck surgery and still is desiring to have a match against the Undertaker. He based his reasoning on that fact that if he were to have the surgery, then there would be no possible way to even have this match. When JBL asked him about the surgery and the possible match with Undertaker, he said, “I am supposed to have surgery, but I’m having so many mixed messages out there. And the one thing I keep hearing is ‘if you’re not having side effects and you’re okay, then don’t do it.” He would go on to say about the possibility of having a match with Undertaker, “Yeah, that’s the unfinished business. I’ve always wanted to have that match. I know wrestling fans have always wanted to see it too.”

Unfortunately, I don’t know many wrestling fans who would still want to see these two have a match this late in their careers. For starters, both wrestlers are over 50 years old as Sting is 57 and Undertaker are 51 years old. Also, I do not feel these wrestlers can have a long match. This match would have been great ten years ago, but I think it’s not something that wrestling fans want to see.
This happens to be just a rumor and should be taken with a grain of salt.