WWE Rumors: Possible reason for Sanity not making main roster debut

The rumor mills are now circulating to what happened to Sanity’s main roster debut. If you recall, Sanity was a stable in NXT that WWE was calling up to the main roster after WrestleMania 34. However, they have yet to make their main roster debut and there hasn’t been a vignette about them coming in a while. Reports are circulating that the WWE has had discussions about the plans for the stable. If you recall when they received the call-up, it was only consisting of Eric Young, Killian Dain, and Alexander Wolfe. Nikki Cross was the only one who was being held down in NXT.


This got me thinking the WWE might have scrapped the plans for a Sanity call-up. It seems many wrestling groups were getting floods of complaints about why the WWE would essentially break Nikki Cross off from Sanity. I do recall that they went through with Nikki Cross staying in NXT to help build the division. Sanity’s call up to the main roster was similar to when Big Cass and Enzo Amore got the call up to the main roster after WrestleMania 32. It’s similar because Carmella ended up not going up with them and stayed back. The only difference was there was no backlash from it.

If it is true that Sanity is staying in NXT for the time being, then let them feud with War Raiders. I would have it be centered around Wolfe/Dain and War Raiders. I’m not saying that Eric Young isn’t talented because he is, but he wouldn’t fit in this situation. If they don’t feud with War Raiders, then it would pointless to do this. Another reason for why Sanity hasn’t officially got the call up is that WWE may have no plans for them yet. Also, I find that to be a terrible reason because the tag team division on the main roster needs a bolt of new teams.

There has been no official reason for not calling up Sanity. However, expect the WWE to announce something in the next few weeks.

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