WWE Rumors: Seth Rollins possible new opponent at Wrestlemania

We might be getting the long-awaited match earlier than originally expected. It has been known for some time that Triple H and Seth Rollins are set to have a match to put their over two-year feud to rest. There was speculation that this match was going to happen at WrestleMania 32 in Dallas, but WWE scratched those plans after Seth Rollins got injured. So the next assumption was when Seth Rollins returned was to have it at WrestleMania 33 in Orlando, however, those plans seem to be scratched.

According to a new report, WWE officials are now pushing to have the Triple H/Seth Rollins match happen in a few weeks at the Royal Rumble in San Antonio, Texas. Apparently, the new creative plan that WWE is placing Seth Rollins in to for WrestleMania 33 is for Seth Rollins to have a match against a returning Finn Balor. Their first match happened at Summerslam and was one of the better matches on the card. However, it was short-lived as it was announced a near few hours after their match that Finn Balor had suffered a shoulder injury and will be out of action for a few months.

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Going back to Triple H and Seth Rollins, the rumors of them having a match grew some momentum when Triple H would return to WWE TV and assist Kevin Owens in retaining the belt, thus turning on Seth Rollins. When Goldberg and Brock Lesnar were announced for the Royal Rumble, WWE didn’t feel they needed to add any more star power. However, it seems they want to add more star power.

If we are indeed going to have Seth Rollins have a match against Triple H at the Royal Rumble, then WWE needs to start moving that feud quicker and start planting the seeds before the end of 2016. Also in regards to the news on Seth Rollins vs. Finn Balor, I would be very interested to see if that actually happens. Also, the bigger question is then what does WWE do with Triple H at WrestleMania 33 if he faces Seth Rollins at the Royal Rumble.
This is just a rumor and should be taken with a grain of salt.