WWE Rumors: Shane McMahon to be the next WWE Champion

Shane McMahon

Photo Credit: WWF Old School

A McMahon hasn’t held a WWE belt for over ten years. I don’t include Triple H in this because he is a McMahon by marriage. The one McMahon we see on TV a lot now is Shane McMahon. This is because he (for some odd reason) has become one of the top heels on both brands. With this push he has been getting, people are wondering what the end result/payoff will be.

According to several sites, there has been talks of having Shane McMahon be the one to take the belt off of Kofi Kingston. If you have heard my show, the Comeback Wrestling Show, that airs Wednesday nights; I’ve been critical of the product as of late. If these rumors are to be true, this would have to be the single dumbest thing that this company has done in 2019. If we just look at the Smackdown roster, you have talented guys who aren’t being used. Some of them include Alesiter Black, Ali, Andrade, Elias, Rusev, and Nakamura to name a few. But for some odd reason, the WWE rather push someone who is a part-timer.

A few years ago, I put out an article about it being time for the WWE to start pushing the stars of the future. I don’t consider Shane McMahon as a future to the WWE from an in ring competitor. The WWE is going to shoot themseleves in the foot with these booking decisions. If these is the direction they go, Shane McMahon will get nuclear heat. A heel to get heat is good, not nuclear heat. Knowing how WWE thinks, I could see this happening as they make the move to Fox in October. Lastly, If this were to happen; more people will go straight to AEW.

Let us know in the comments below if you like this move and tune in to the Comeback Wrestling Show every Wednesday night from 9pm to 11pm.