WWE Rumors: Another Superstar Shakeup on the horizon

There have been some conflicting reports out there that the WWE is possibly planning on doing another superstar shakeup. However, if the WWE does another one, it won’t be until after Wrestlemania 34. The WWE has already done a superstar shakeup this year as we saw the likes of Bray Wyatt, Dean Ambrose, and the Miz jump from Smackdown to RAW.

I have been a proponent of doing these superstar shakeups. I understand why the WWE does them, what I don’t understand is why do you need to do them so often. When the last one happened, Ambrose and Miz continued there feud on RAW that they started on Smackdown. I have suggested doing these moves once every few years. When the WWE does these shakeups once every few months, they kill any sort of continuity for the brand to establish stars.

However, if the WWE does go through with another shakeup, there could be a twist. In addition to superstars getting to switch brands, the WWE could decide to send some superstars back down to NXT. The feeling is that since Vince McMahon doesn’t want to push them on the main roster, they should have the chance to be a bigger star down in NXT. Some stars who I could see get sent down to NXT are Dolph Ziggler, Apollo Crews, Emma, Aiden English, and a few others.

I would figure that it would be these stars who get sent back to NXT because the WWE isn’t doing anything worthy with them on the main roster. Prior to the run that Breezeango is having, I would have also added Tyler Breeze to the list. But that wouldn’t make any sense because Breezeango is probably the hottest face team behind the New Day on Smackdown.

This is a rumor and should be taken with a grain of salt