WWE Rumors: Tyson Fury WrestleMania plans are based on one stipulation

WWE Rumors

Over the next several weeks, WWE will have the seeds planted for what matches we might see at WrestleMania 36. One of the people who may have a big role in the event is Tyson Fury. If you recall, Tyson Fury made his debut in professional wrestling when he took on Braun Strowman at Crown Jewel. WWE was impressed enough that there has now been talk of having him get a title match at WrestleMania.

It seems that WWE will end up doing that if one thing happens. Tyson Fury is set to have a major boxing match in February to take on Deontay Wilder. The speculation is that if Fury is able to win the match than WWE will offer him the match. While he was good on the mic in the lead to the match with Strowman, he wasn’t memorable at all in the ring. He defeated Braun Strowman, but it was the result of a count-out. I get what WWE would be doing. They don’t want to bring someone in who doesn’t have a buzz. WWE will try and go for the mainstream audience.

I wish the WWE would stop bringing in people from outside the world of pro wrestling. Yes, Ronda Rousey did well but they are not all like her. WWE should not need to bring in people from other areas and give them title shots. You have talented guys and gals on this roster. This goes in hand with my problem when the WWE relies on past superstars to have a major spot at WrestleMania. We saw them make stars like the Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mankind, Kane, and others. There are none of those on the roster now.

This is sad because they have talented guys that for whatever reason don’t want to push.

This is a rumor and should be taken with a grain of salt.