WWE: While Rusev was once one of the top guys, he is now a glorified jobber

In my years of watching Wrestling, I have seen wrestlers fallen down but they have made a rebound. I don’t know if the same could be said about WWE Superstar Rusev, who has fallen big time since Wrestlemaina 31 when he had his United States title match against John Cena.


As they were heading into that match, there was a feeling that Rusev was getting the build of being one of the next top heels in the WWE. He was being booked to be unstoppable in the months leading up to his showdown with John Cena. However, the decline of Rusev would end up beginning when he lost to John Cena at Wrestlemania 31.

It really became bad for Rusev when he was in that terrible love angle with Summer Rae, Dolph Ziggler, and Lana. It was bad because it did nothing for any of wrestlers involved in it and made Rusev look like a joke. Then there was a brief time after this angle was scrapped that there was this thought process that WWE was finally going to push him and build him up again. Then out of the clear blue, he would end up joining Wade Barrett, Sheamus, and Alberto Del Rio to form the League of Nations. This was a stable that had no direction and some could argue that they were put together to put over John Cena.

Then at Wrestlemania 32, the League of Nations had a non-title match against the New Day and the League of Nations won, but WWE did nothing with them pinning the WWE Tag Team champions. It has been not getting better for Rusev as he just lost to the Big Show at WWE’s Fastlane in a very fast matter. I am not sure if it is that he pissed off people behind the scenes that he has gone from being one of top guys to know being on the lower end of the mid-card.

In regards to Wrestlemania 33, it is unsure what he will be doing but I have a hunch that he will be in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal and probably end up getting thrown out of the ring very quickly. While many superstars who fall end up making a rebound at some point, I am not sure if Rusev will be able to. Also if he continues to lose, could he be labeled as a glorified jobber. I only say that cause his last win was over a month ago on a Main Event taping when he beat Sin Cara and that was his last singles victory.