WWE: Trevor Lee should be featured both on Smackdown and 205 Live


Photo Credit: Pro Wrestling Sheet

We found out at the CWF Mid-Atlantic show, former Impact X-Division Champion, Trevor Lee, has signed with the WWE. If you have been following the dirt sheets, this has been known for some time. The way that Impact wrote Lee off of TV was they had Killer Kross punch him with a cinder block on his head. It’s expected that he will be apart of CWF’s February show.

WWE has yet to announce the move. It’s expected to be done soon. However, what should the WWE do with him, once he makes it to TV? For starters, you can not pigeon hold him. For many of the cruiserweights, they have held in the 205 Division and not moved. However, it seems now that the trend has changed. We have seen guys like Lio Rush and Mustafa Ali get used more on the main roster. When it comes to the brand, Lee needs to be on Smackdown and 205 Live.

He fits the Smackdown mold because you have many guys who are his size on that roster. The superstars would be Daniel Bryan, Mustafa Ali, Andrade Cien Almas, and AJ Styles. 205 Live also fits him because the list of matches is endless. Some of which that come to mind are Buddy Murphy, Drew Gulak, and Cedric Alexander.

He could also do some work in NXT as well. You could have him work with guys like North American champion Ricochet, Johnny Gargano, Aliester Black, and others. In all honesty, he should spend about 6-8 months in NXT. You need to give time for the WWE fans to get use to Trevor Lee.

Overall, Trevor Lee is a great addition to the WWE roster. If you had seen his work in Impact or PWG, you know he can give you great matches. Trevor Lee will just continue to raise the bar of what we will see in the WWE.

Let us know in the comments below, who would you like Trevor Lee to face in the WWE.